/*! Copyright (c) 2013 Brandon Aaron (http://brandon.aaron.sh) * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt). * * jquery.mousewheel.min.js Version: 3.1.12 * * Requires: jQuery 1.2.2+ */ ! function(a) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], a) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = a : a(jQuery) }(function(a) { function b(b) { var g = b || window.event, h = i.call(arguments, 1), j = 0, l = 0, m = 0, n = 0, o = 0, p = 0; if (b = a.event.fix(g), b.type = "mousewheel", "detail" in g && (m = -1 * g.detail), "wheelDelta" in g && (m = g.wheelDelta), "wheelDeltaY" in g && (m = g.wheelDeltaY), "wheelDeltaX" in g && (l = -1 * g.wheelDeltaX), "axis" in g && g.axis === g.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && (l = -1 * m, m = 0), j = 0 === m ? l : m, "deltaY" in g && (m = -1 * g.deltaY, j = m), "deltaX" in g && (l = g.deltaX, 0 === m && (j = -1 * l)), 0 !== m || 0 !== l) { if (1 === g.deltaMode) { var q = a.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height"); j *= q, m *= q, l *= q } else if (2 === g.deltaMode) { var r = a.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height"); j *= r, m *= r, l *= r } if (n = Math.max(Math.abs(m), Math.abs(l)), (!f || f > n) && (f = n, d(g, n) && (f /= 40)), d(g, n) && (j /= 40, l /= 40, m /= 40), j = Math[j >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](j / f), l = Math[l >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](l / f), m = Math[m >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](m / f), k.settings.normalizeOffset && this.getBoundingClientRect) { var s = this.getBoundingClientRect(); o = b.clientX - s.left, p = b.clientY - s.top } return b.deltaX = l, b.deltaY = m, b.deltaFactor = f, b.offsetX = o, b.offsetY = p, b.deltaMode = 0, h.unshift(b, j, l, m), e && clearTimeout(e), e = setTimeout(c, 200), (a.event.dispatch || a.event.handle).apply(this, h) } } function c() { f = null } function d(a, b) { return k.settings.adjustOldDeltas && "mousewheel" === a.type && b % 120 === 0 } var e, f, g = ["wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], h = "onwheel" in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ? ["wheel"] : ["mousewheel", "DomMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], i = Array.prototype.slice; if (a.event.fixHooks) for (var j = g.length; j;) a.event.fixHooks[g[--j]] = a.event.mouseHooks; var k = a.event.special.mousewheel = { version: "3.1.12", setup: function() { if (this.addEventListener) for (var c = h.length; c;) this.addEventListener(h[--c], b, !1); else this.onmousewheel = b; a.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height", k.getLineHeight(this)), a.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height", k.getPageHeight(this)) }, teardown: function() { if (this.removeEventListener) for (var c = h.length; c;) this.removeEventListener(h[--c], b, !1); else this.onmousewheel = null; a.removeData(this, "mousewheel-line-height"), a.removeData(this, "mousewheel-page-height") }, getLineHeight: function(b) { var c = a(b), d = c["offsetParent" in a.fn ? "offsetParent" : "parent"](); return d.length || (d = a("body")), parseInt(d.css("fontSize"), 10) || parseInt(c.css("fontSize"), 10) || 16 }, getPageHeight: function(b) { return a(b).height() }, settings: { adjustOldDeltas: !0, normalizeOffset: !0 } }; a.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function(a) { return a ? this.bind("mousewheel", a) : this.trigger("mousewheel") }, unmousewheel: function(a) { return this.unbind("mousewheel", a) } }) }); ! function(e, t) { "use strict"; function n(t) { e.fn.cycle.debug && i(t) } function i() { window.console && console.log && console.log("[cycle] " + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, " ")) } function c(t, n, i) { var c = e(t).data("cycle.opts"); if (c) { var r = !!t.cyclePause; r && c.paused ? c.paused(t, c, n, i) : !r && c.resumed && c.resumed(t, c, n, i) } } function r(n, r, s) { function a(t, n, c) { if (!t && n === !0) { var r = e(c).data("cycle.opts"); if (!r) return i("options not found, can not resume"), !1; c.cycleTimeout && (clearTimeout(c.cycleTimeout), c.cycleTimeout = 0), f(r.elements, r, 1, !r.backwards) } } if (n.cycleStop === t && (n.cycleStop = 0), (r === t || null === r) && (r = {}), r.constructor == String) { switch (r) { case "destroy": case "stop": var l = e(n).data("cycle.opts"); return l ? (n.cycleStop++, n.cycleTimeout && clearTimeout(n.cycleTimeout), n.cycleTimeout = 0, l.elements && e(l.elements).stop(), e(n).removeData("cycle.opts"), "destroy" == r && o(n, l), !1) : !1; case "toggle": return n.cyclePause = 1 === n.cyclePause ? 0 : 1, a(n.cyclePause, s, n), c(n), !1; case "pause": return n.cyclePause = 1, c(n), !1; case "resume": return n.cyclePause = 0, a(!1, s, n), c(n), !1; case "prev": case "next": return (l = e(n).data("cycle.opts")) ? ("string" == typeof s && (l.oneTimeFx = s), e.fn.cycle[r](l), !1) : (i('options not found, "prev/next" ignored'), !1); default: r = { fx: r } } return r } if (r.constructor == Number) { var u = r; return (r = e(n).data("cycle.opts")) ? 0 > u || u >= r.elements.length ? (i("invalid slide index: " + u), !1) : (r.nextSlide = u, n.cycleTimeout && (clearTimeout(n.cycleTimeout), n.cycleTimeout = 0), "string" == typeof s && (r.oneTimeFx = s), f(r.elements, r, 1, u >= r.currSlide), !1) : (i("options not found, can not advance slide"), !1) } return r } function s(t, n) { if (!e.support.opacity && n.cleartype && t.style.filter) try { t.style.removeAttribute("filter") } catch (i) {} } function o(t, n) { n.next && e(n.next).unbind(n.prevNextEvent), n.prev && e(n.prev).unbind(n.prevNextEvent), (n.pager || n.pagerAnchorBuilder) && e.each(n.pagerAnchors || [], function() { this.unbind().remove() }), n.pagerAnchors = null, e(t).unbind("mouseenter.cycle mouseleave.cycle"), n.destroy && n.destroy(n) } function a(n, r, o, a, h) { var y, x = e.extend({}, e.fn.cycle.defaults, a || {}, e.metadata ? n.metadata() : e.meta ? n.data() : {}), v = e.isFunction(n.data) ? n.data(x.metaAttr) : null; v && (x = e.extend(x, v)), x.autostop && (x.countdown = x.autostopCount || o.length); var S = n[0]; if (n.data("cycle.opts", x), x.$cont = n, x.stopCount = S.cycleStop, x.elements = o, x.before = x.before ? [x.before] : [], x.after = x.after ? [x.after] : [], !e.support.opacity && x.cleartype && x.after.push(function() { s(this, x) }), x.continuous && x.after.push(function() { f(o, x, 0, !x.backwards) }), l(x), e.support.opacity || !x.cleartype || x.cleartypeNoBg || g(r), "static" == n.css("position") && n.css("position", "relative"), x.width && n.width(x.width), x.height && "auto" != x.height && n.height(x.height), x.startingSlide !== t ? (x.startingSlide = parseInt(x.startingSlide, 10), x.startingSlide >= o.length || x.startSlide < 0 ? x.startingSlide = 0 : y = !0) : x.startingSlide = x.backwards ? o.length - 1 : 0, x.random) { x.randomMap = []; for (var w = 0; w < o.length; w++) x.randomMap.push(w); if (x.randomMap.sort(function() { return Math.random() - .5 }), y) for (var b = 0; b < o.length; b++) x.startingSlide == x.randomMap[b] && (x.randomIndex = b); else x.randomIndex = 1, x.startingSlide = x.randomMap[1] } else x.startingSlide >= o.length && (x.startingSlide = 0); x.currSlide = x.startingSlide || 0; var I = x.startingSlide; r.css({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0 }).hide().each(function(t) { var n; n = x.backwards ? I ? I >= t ? o.length + (t - I) : I - t : o.length - t : I ? t >= I ? o.length - (t - I) : I - t : o.length - t, e(this).css("z-index", n) }), e(o[I]).css("opacity", 1).show(), s(o[I], x), x.fit && (x.aspect ? r.each(function() { var t = e(this), n = x.aspect === !0 ? t.width() / t.height() : x.aspect; x.width && t.width() != x.width && (t.width(x.width), t.height(x.width / n)), x.height && t.height() < x.height && (t.height(x.height), t.width(x.height * n)) }) : (x.width && r.width(x.width), x.height && "auto" != x.height && r.height(x.height))), !x.center || x.fit && !x.aspect || r.each(function() { var t = e(this); t.css({ "margin-left": x.width ? (x.width - t.width()) / 2 + "px" : 0, "margin-top": x.height ? (x.height - t.height()) / 2 + "px" : 0 }) }), !x.center || x.fit || x.slideResize || r.each(function() { var t = e(this); t.css({ "margin-left": x.width ? (x.width - t.width()) / 2 + "px" : 0, "margin-top": x.height ? (x.height - t.height()) / 2 + "px" : 0 }) }); var F = (x.containerResize || x.containerResizeHeight) && n.innerHeight() < 1; if (F) { for (var A = 0, T = 0, B = 0; B < o.length; B++) { var O = e(o[B]), k = O[0], P = O.outerWidth(), C = O.outerHeight(); P || (P = k.offsetWidth || k.width || O.attr("width")), C || (C = k.offsetHeight || k.height || O.attr("height")), A = P > A ? P : A, T = C > T ? C : T } x.containerResize && A > 0 && T > 0 && n.css({ width: A + "px", height: T + "px" }), x.containerResizeHeight && T > 0 && n.css({ height: T + "px" }) } var H = !1; if (x.pause && n.bind("mouseenter.cycle", function() { H = !0, this.cyclePause++, c(S, !0) }).bind("mouseleave.cycle", function() { H && this.cyclePause--, c(S, !0) }), u(x) === !1) return !1; var z = !1; if (a.requeueAttempts = a.requeueAttempts || 0, r.each(function() { var t = e(this); if (this.cycleH = x.fit && x.height ? x.height : t.height() || this.offsetHeight || this.height || t.attr("height") || 0, this.cycleW = x.fit && x.width ? x.width : t.width() || this.offsetWidth || this.width || t.attr("width") || 0, t.is("img")) { var n = 0 === this.cycleH && 0 === this.cycleW && !this.complete; if (n) { if (h.s && x.requeueOnImageNotLoaded && ++a.requeueAttempts < 100) return i(a.requeueAttempts, " - img slide not loaded, requeuing slideshow: ", this.src, this.cycleW, this.cycleH), setTimeout(function() { e(h.s, h.c).cycle(a) }, x.requeueTimeout), z = !0, !1; i("could not determine size of image: " + this.src, this.cycleW, this.cycleH) } } return !0 }), z) return !1; if (x.cssBefore = x.cssBefore || {}, x.cssAfter = x.cssAfter || {}, x.cssFirst = x.cssFirst || {}, x.animIn = x.animIn || {}, x.animOut = x.animOut || {}, r.not(":eq(" + I + ")").css(x.cssBefore), e(r[I]).css(x.cssFirst), x.timeout) { x.timeout = parseInt(x.timeout, 10), x.speed.constructor == String && (x.speed = e.fx.speeds[x.speed] || parseInt(x.speed, 10)), x.sync || (x.speed = x.speed / 2); for (var E = "none" == x.fx ? 0 : "shuffle" == x.fx ? 500 : 250; x.timeout - x.speed < E;) x.timeout += x.speed } if (x.easing && (x.easeIn = x.easeOut = x.easing), x.speedIn || (x.speedIn = x.speed), x.speedOut || (x.speedOut = x.speed), x.slideCount = o.length, x.currSlide = x.lastSlide = I, x.random ? (++x.randomIndex == o.length && (x.randomIndex = 0), x.nextSlide = x.randomMap[x.randomIndex]) : x.nextSlide = x.backwards ? 0 === x.startingSlide ? o.length - 1 : x.startingSlide - 1 : x.startingSlide >= o.length - 1 ? 0 : x.startingSlide + 1, !x.multiFx) { var M = e.fn.cycle.transitions[x.fx]; if (e.isFunction(M)) M(n, r, x); else if ("custom" != x.fx && !x.multiFx) return i("unknown transition: " + x.fx, "; slideshow terminating"), !1 } var R = r[I]; return x.skipInitializationCallbacks || (x.before.length && x.before[0].apply(R, [R, R, x, !0]), x.after.length && x.after[0].apply(R, [R, R, x, !0])), x.next && e(x.next).bind(x.prevNextEvent, function() { return p(x, 1) }), x.prev && e(x.prev).bind(x.prevNextEvent, function() { return p(x, 0) }), (x.pager || x.pagerAnchorBuilder) && m(o, x), d(x, o), x } function l(t) { t.original = { before: [], after: [] }, t.original.cssBefore = e.extend({}, t.cssBefore), t.original.cssAfter = e.extend({}, t.cssAfter), t.original.animIn = e.extend({}, t.animIn), t.original.animOut = e.extend({}, t.animOut), e.each(t.before, function() { t.original.before.push(this) }), e.each(t.after, function() { t.original.after.push(this) }) } function u(t) { var c, r, s = e.fn.cycle.transitions; if (t.fx.indexOf(",") > 0) { for (t.multiFx = !0, t.fxs = t.fx.replace(/\s*/g, "").split(","), c = 0; c < t.fxs.length; c++) { var o = t.fxs[c]; r = s[o], r && s.hasOwnProperty(o) && e.isFunction(r) || (i("discarding unknown transition: ", o), t.fxs.splice(c, 1), c--) } if (!t.fxs.length) return i("No valid transitions named; slideshow terminating."), !1 } else if ("all" == t.fx) { t.multiFx = !0, t.fxs = []; for (var a in s) s.hasOwnProperty(a) && (r = s[a], s.hasOwnProperty(a) && e.isFunction(r) && t.fxs.push(a)) } if (t.multiFx && t.randomizeEffects) { var l = Math.floor(20 * Math.random()) + 30; for (c = 0; l > c; c++) { var u = Math.floor(Math.random() * t.fxs.length); t.fxs.push(t.fxs.splice(u, 1)[0]) } n("randomized fx sequence: ", t.fxs) } return !0 } function d(t, n) { t.addSlide = function(i, c) { var r = e(i), s = r[0]; t.autostopCount || t.countdown++, n[c ? "unshift" : "push"](s), t.els && t.els[c ? "unshift" : "push"](s), t.slideCount = n.length, t.random && (t.randomMap.push(t.slideCount - 1), t.randomMap.sort(function() { return Math.random() - .5 })), r.css("position", "absolute"), r[c ? "prependTo" : "appendTo"](t.$cont), c && (t.currSlide++, t.nextSlide++), e.support.opacity || !t.cleartype || t.cleartypeNoBg || g(r), t.fit && t.width && r.width(t.width), t.fit && t.height && "auto" != t.height && r.height(t.height), s.cycleH = t.fit && t.height ? t.height : r.height(), s.cycleW = t.fit && t.width ? t.width : r.width(), r.css(t.cssBefore), (t.pager || t.pagerAnchorBuilder) && e.fn.cycle.createPagerAnchor(n.length - 1, s, e(t.pager), n, t), e.isFunction(t.onAddSlide) ? t.onAddSlide(r) : r.hide() } } function f(i, c, r, s) { function o() { { var e = 0; c.timeout } c.timeout && !c.continuous ? (e = h(i[c.currSlide], i[c.nextSlide], c, s), "shuffle" == c.fx && (e -= c.speedOut)) : c.continuous && a.cyclePause && (e = 10), e > 0 && (a.cycleTimeout = setTimeout(function() { f(i, c, 0, !c.backwards) }, e)) } var a = c.$cont[0], l = i[c.currSlide], u = i[c.nextSlide]; if (r && c.busy && c.manualTrump && (n("manualTrump in go(), stopping active transition"), e(i).stop(!0, !0), c.busy = 0, clearTimeout(a.cycleTimeout)), c.busy) return void n("transition active, ignoring new tx request"); if (a.cycleStop == c.stopCount && (0 !== a.cycleTimeout || r)) { if (!r && !a.cyclePause && !c.bounce && (c.autostop && --c.countdown <= 0 || c.nowrap && !c.random && c.nextSlide < c.currSlide)) return void(c.end && c.end(c)); var d = !1; if (!r && a.cyclePause || c.nextSlide == c.currSlide) o(); else { d = !0; var p = c.fx; l.cycleH = l.cycleH || e(l).height(), l.cycleW = l.cycleW || e(l).width(), u.cycleH = u.cycleH || e(u).height(), u.cycleW = u.cycleW || e(u).width(), c.multiFx && (s && (c.lastFx === t || ++c.lastFx >= c.fxs.length) ? c.lastFx = 0 : !s && (c.lastFx === t || --c.lastFx < 0) && (c.lastFx = c.fxs.length - 1), p = c.fxs[c.lastFx]), c.oneTimeFx && (p = c.oneTimeFx, c.oneTimeFx = null), e.fn.cycle.resetState(c, p), c.before.length && e.each(c.before, function(e, t) { a.cycleStop == c.stopCount && t.apply(u, [l, u, c, s]) }); var m = function() { c.busy = 0, e.each(c.after, function(e, t) { a.cycleStop == c.stopCount && t.apply(u, [l, u, c, s]) }), a.cycleStop || o() }; n("tx firing(" + p + "); currSlide: " + c.currSlide + "; nextSlide: " + c.nextSlide), c.busy = 1, c.fxFn ? c.fxFn(l, u, c, m, s, r && c.fastOnEvent) : e.isFunction(e.fn.cycle[c.fx]) ? e.fn.cycle[c.fx](l, u, c, m, s, r && c.fastOnEvent) : e.fn.cycle.custom(l, u, c, m, s, r && c.fastOnEvent) } if (d || c.nextSlide == c.currSlide) { var g; c.lastSlide = c.currSlide, c.random ? (c.currSlide = c.nextSlide, ++c.randomIndex == i.length && (c.randomIndex = 0, c.randomMap.sort(function() { return Math.random() - .5 })), c.nextSlide = c.randomMap[c.randomIndex], c.nextSlide == c.currSlide && (c.nextSlide = c.currSlide == c.slideCount - 1 ? 0 : c.currSlide + 1)) : c.backwards ? (g = c.nextSlide - 1 < 0, g && c.bounce ? (c.backwards = !c.backwards, c.nextSlide = 1, c.currSlide = 0) : (c.nextSlide = g ? i.length - 1 : c.nextSlide - 1, c.currSlide = g ? 0 : c.nextSlide + 1)) : (g = c.nextSlide + 1 == i.length, g && c.bounce ? (c.backwards = !c.backwards, c.nextSlide = i.length - 2, c.currSlide = i.length - 1) : (c.nextSlide = g ? 0 : c.nextSlide + 1, c.currSlide = g ? i.length - 1 : c.nextSlide - 1)) } d && c.pager && c.updateActivePagerLink(c.pager, c.currSlide, c.activePagerClass) } } function h(e, t, i, c) { if (i.timeoutFn) { for (var r = i.timeoutFn.call(e, e, t, i, c); "none" != i.fx && r - i.speed < 250;) r += i.speed; if (n("calculated timeout: " + r + "; speed: " + i.speed), r !== !1) return r } return i.timeout } function p(t, n) { var i = n ? 1 : -1, c = t.elements, r = t.$cont[0], s = r.cycleTimeout; if (s && (clearTimeout(s), r.cycleTimeout = 0), t.random && 0 > i) t.randomIndex--, -2 == --t.randomIndex ? t.randomIndex = c.length - 2 : -1 == t.randomIndex && (t.randomIndex = c.length - 1), t.nextSlide = t.randomMap[t.randomIndex]; else if (t.random) t.nextSlide = t.randomMap[t.randomIndex]; else if (t.nextSlide = t.currSlide + i, t.nextSlide < 0) { if (t.nowrap) return !1; t.nextSlide = c.length - 1 } else if (t.nextSlide >= c.length) { if (t.nowrap) return !1; t.nextSlide = 0 } var o = t.onPrevNextEvent || t.prevNextClick; return e.isFunction(o) && o(i > 0, t.nextSlide, c[t.nextSlide]), f(c, t, 1, n), !1 } function m(t, n) { var i = e(n.pager); e.each(t, function(c, r) { e.fn.cycle.createPagerAnchor(c, r, i, t, n) }), n.updateActivePagerLink(n.pager, n.startingSlide, n.activePagerClass) } function g(t) { function i(e) { return e = parseInt(e, 10).toString(16), e.length < 2 ? "0" + e : e } function c(t) { for (; t && "html" != t.nodeName.toLowerCase(); t = t.parentNode) { var n = e.css(t, "background-color"); if (n && n.indexOf("rgb") >= 0) { var c = n.match(/\d+/g); return "#" + i(c[0]) + i(c[1]) + i(c[2]) } if (n && "transparent" != n) return n } return "#ffffff" } n("applying clearType background-color hack"), t.each(function() { e(this).css("background-color", c(this)) }) } var y = "3.0.3"; e.expr[":"].paused = function(e) { return e.cyclePause }, e.fn.cycle = function(t, c) { var s = { s: this.selector, c: this.context }; return 0 === this.length && "stop" != t ? !e.isReady && s.s ? (i("DOM not ready, queuing slideshow"), e(function() { e(s.s, s.c).cycle(t, c) }), this) : (i("terminating; zero elements found by selector" + (e.isReady ? "" : " (DOM not ready)")), this) : this.each(function() { var o = r(this, t, c); if (o !== !1) { o.updateActivePagerLink = o.updateActivePagerLink || e.fn.cycle.updateActivePagerLink, this.cycleTimeout && clearTimeout(this.cycleTimeout), this.cycleTimeout = this.cyclePause = 0, this.cycleStop = 0; var l = e(this), u = o.slideExpr ? e(o.slideExpr, this) : l.children(), d = u.get(); if (d.length < 2) return void i("terminating; too few slides: " + d.length); var p = a(l, u, d, o, s); if (p !== !1) { var m = p.continuous ? 10 : h(d[p.currSlide], d[p.nextSlide], p, !p.backwards); m && (m += p.delay || 0, 10 > m && (m = 10), n("first timeout: " + m), this.cycleTimeout = setTimeout(function() { f(d, p, 0, !o.backwards) }, m)) } } }) }, e.fn.cycle.resetState = function(t, n) { n = n || t.fx, t.before = [], t.after = [], t.cssBefore = e.extend({}, t.original.cssBefore), t.cssAfter = e.extend({}, t.original.cssAfter), t.animIn = e.extend({}, t.original.animIn), t.animOut = e.extend({}, t.original.animOut), t.fxFn = null, e.each(t.original.before, function() { t.before.push(this) }), e.each(t.original.after, function() { t.after.push(this) }); var i = e.fn.cycle.transitions[n]; e.isFunction(i) && i(t.$cont, e(t.elements), t) }, e.fn.cycle.updateActivePagerLink = function(t, n, i) { e(t).each(function() { e(this).children().removeClass(i).eq(n).addClass(i) }) }, e.fn.cycle.next = function(e) { p(e, 1) }, e.fn.cycle.prev = function(e) { p(e, 0) }, e.fn.cycle.createPagerAnchor = function(t, i, r, s, o) { var a; if (e.isFunction(o.pagerAnchorBuilder) ? (a = o.pagerAnchorBuilder(t, i), n("pagerAnchorBuilder(" + t + ", el) returned: " + a)) : a = '' + (t + 1) + "", a) { var l = e(a); if (0 === l.parents("body").length) { var u = []; r.length > 1 ? (r.each(function() { var t = l.clone(!0); e(this).append(t), u.push(t[0]) }), l = e(u)) : l.appendTo(r) } o.pagerAnchors = o.pagerAnchors || [], o.pagerAnchors.push(l); var d = function(n) { n.preventDefault(), o.nextSlide = t; var i = o.$cont[0], c = i.cycleTimeout; c && (clearTimeout(c), i.cycleTimeout = 0); var r = o.onPagerEvent || o.pagerClick; e.isFunction(r) && r(o.nextSlide, s[o.nextSlide]), f(s, o, 1, o.currSlide < t) }; /mouseenter|mouseover/i.test(o.pagerEvent) ? l.hover(d, function() {}) : l.bind(o.pagerEvent, d), /^click/.test(o.pagerEvent) || o.allowPagerClickBubble || l.bind("click.cycle", function() { return !1 }); var h = o.$cont[0], p = !1; o.pauseOnPagerHover && l.hover(function() { p = !0, h.cyclePause++, c(h, !0, !0) }, function() { p && h.cyclePause--, c(h, !0, !0) }) } }, e.fn.cycle.hopsFromLast = function(e, t) { var n, i = e.lastSlide, c = e.currSlide; return n = t ? c > i ? c - i : e.slideCount - i : i > c ? i - c : i + e.slideCount - c }, e.fn.cycle.commonReset = function(t, n, i, c, r, s) { e(i.elements).not(t).hide(), "undefined" == typeof i.cssBefore.opacity && (i.cssBefore.opacity = 1), i.cssBefore.display = "block", i.slideResize && c !== !1 && n.cycleW > 0 && (i.cssBefore.width = n.cycleW), i.slideResize && r !== !1 && n.cycleH > 0 && (i.cssBefore.height = n.cycleH), i.cssAfter = i.cssAfter || {}, i.cssAfter.display = "none", e(t).css("zIndex", i.slideCount + (s === !0 ? 1 : 0)), e(n).css("zIndex", i.slideCount + (s === !0 ? 0 : 1)) }, e.fn.cycle.custom = function(t, n, i, c, r, s) { var o = e(t), a = e(n), l = i.speedIn, u = i.speedOut, d = i.easeIn, f = i.easeOut, h = i.animInDelay, p = i.animOutDelay; a.css(i.cssBefore), s && (l = u = "number" == typeof s ? s : 1, d = f = null); var m = function() { a.delay(h).animate(i.animIn, l, d, function() { c() }) }; o.delay(p).animate(i.animOut, u, f, function() { o.css(i.cssAfter), i.sync || m() }), i.sync && m() }, e.fn.cycle.transitions = { fade: function(t, n, i) { n.not(":eq(" + i.currSlide + ")").css("opacity", 0), i.before.push(function(t, n, i) { e.fn.cycle.commonReset(t, n, i), i.cssBefore.opacity = 0 }), i.animIn = { opacity: 1 }, i.animOut = { opacity: 0 }, i.cssBefore = { top: 0, left: 0 } } }, e.fn.cycle.ver = function() { return y }, e.fn.cycle.defaults = { activePagerClass: "activeSlide", after: null, allowPagerClickBubble: !1, animIn: null, animInDelay: 0, animOut: null, animOutDelay: 0, aspect: !1, autostop: 0, autostopCount: 0, backwards: !1, before: null, center: null, cleartype: !e.support.opacity, cleartypeNoBg: !1, containerResize: 1, containerResizeHeight: 0, continuous: 0, cssAfter: null, cssBefore: null, delay: 0, easeIn: null, easeOut: null, easing: null, end: null, fastOnEvent: 0, fit: 0, fx: "fade", fxFn: null, height: "auto", manualTrump: !0, metaAttr: "cycle", next: null, nowrap: 0, onPagerEvent: null, onPrevNextEvent: null, pager: null, pagerAnchorBuilder: null, pagerEvent: "click.cycle", pause: 0, pauseOnPagerHover: 0, prev: null, prevNextEvent: "click.cycle", random: 0, randomizeEffects: 1, requeueOnImageNotLoaded: !0, requeueTimeout: 250, rev: 0, shuffle: null, skipInitializationCallbacks: !1, slideExpr: null, slideResize: 1, speed: 1e3, speedIn: null, speedOut: null, startingSlide: t, sync: 1, timeout: 4e3, timeoutFn: null, updateActivePagerLink: null, width: null } }(jQuery), function(e) { "use strict"; e.fn.cycle.transitions.none = function(t, n, i) { i.fxFn = function(t, n, i, c) { e(n).show(), e(t).hide(), c() } }, e.fn.cycle.transitions.fadeout = function(t, n, i) { n.not(":eq(" + i.currSlide + ")").css({ display: "block", opacity: 1 }), i.before.push(function(t, n, i, c, r, s) { e(t).css("zIndex", i.slideCount + (s !== !0 ? 1 : 0)), e(n).css("zIndex", i.slideCount + (s !== !0 ? 0 : 1)) }), i.animIn.opacity = 1, i.animOut.opacity = 0, i.cssBefore.opacity = 1, i.cssBefore.display = "block", i.cssAfter.zIndex = 0 }, e.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollUp = function(t, n, i) { t.css("overflow", "hidden"), i.before.push(e.fn.cycle.commonReset); var c = t.height(); i.cssBefore.top = c, i.cssBefore.left = 0, i.cssFirst.top = 0, i.animIn.top = 0, i.animOut.top = -c }, e.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollDown = function(t, n, i) { t.css("overflow", "hidden"), i.before.push(e.fn.cycle.commonReset); var c = t.height(); i.cssFirst.top = 0, i.cssBefore.top = -c, i.cssBefore.left = 0, i.animIn.top = 0, i.animOut.top = c }, e.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollLeft = function(t, n, i) { t.css("overflow", "hidden"), i.before.push(e.fn.cycle.commonReset); var c = t.width(); i.cssFirst.left = 0, i.cssBefore.left = c, i.cssBefore.top = 0, i.animIn.left = 0, i.animOut.left = 0 - c }, e.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollRight = function(t, n, i) { t.css("overflow", "hidden"), i.before.push(e.fn.cycle.commonReset); var c = t.width(); i.cssFirst.left = 0, i.cssBefore.left = -c, i.cssBefore.top = 0, i.animIn.left = 0, i.animOut.left = c }, e.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollHorz = function(t, n, i) { t.css("overflow", "hidden").width(), i.before.push(function(t, n, i, c) { i.rev && (c = !c), e.fn.cycle.commonReset(t, n, i), i.cssBefore.left = c ? n.cycleW - 1 : 1 - n.cycleW, i.animOut.left = c ? -t.cycleW : t.cycleW }), i.cssFirst.left = 0, i.cssBefore.top = 0, i.animIn.left = 0, i.animOut.top = 0 }, e.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollVert = function(t, n, i) { t.css("overflow", "hidden"), i.before.push(function(t, n, i, c) { i.rev && (c = !c), e.fn.cycle.commonReset(t, n, i), i.cssBefore.top = c ? 1 - n.cycleH : n.cycleH - 1, i.animOut.top = c ? t.cycleH : -t.cycleH }), i.cssFirst.top = 0, i.cssBefore.left = 0, i.animIn.top = 0, i.animOut.left = 0 } }(jQuery); (function($) { "use strict"; var handheldBreakpoint = 980; $('a[href^="#"]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = this.hash; var $target = $(target); }); jQuery('.children, .sub-menu').hide(); jQuery('#header nav #menu > ul li:has(ul)').on('mouseenter', function() { if (jQuery(window).width() > handheldBreakpoint) { var $this = jQuery(this); $this.addClass('active-parent'); $this.find('> .children, > .sub-menu').stop(true).delay(150).slideDown(200); } }).on('mouseleave', function() { if (jQuery(window).width() > handheldBreakpoint) { var $this = jQuery(this); $this.find('> .children, > .sub-menu').stop(true).delay(150).slideUp(150, function() { $this.removeClass('active-parent'); }); } }); jQuery('#header nav #menu-burger').on('click', function() { jQuery('#header nav #menu').toggleClass('menu-shown'); }); jQuery('body.home.loading').height(jQuery(window).height()); jQuery("a:not(#gallery-filter a, #grid-changer a)").on('click', function(e) { var link = $(this).attr('href'); if ($(this).attr('target') != '_blank' && link.indexOf('.jpg') < 0 && link.indexOf('.jpeg') < 0 && link.indexOf('.png') < 0 && link.indexOf('.gif') < 0 && link.indexOf('#') < 0) { $('.loadreveal').removeClass('reveal'); setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = link; }, 400); e.preventDefault(); } }); $(document).ready(function() { $('.flippy').flippy({ interval: 4, speed: 500, stop: false, distance: "100px" }); }); jQuery(window).load(function() { jQuery('.loadreveal').addClass('reveal'); jQuery('#loadscreen').stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200, function() { jQuery('body.home').removeClass('loading'); jQuery(this).hide(); }); }); })(jQuery);